What's Your Gam3? #20

My Pet Hooligan, Kompete, Shrapnel


Welcome to What’s Your Gam3? #20 My aim with everything I do is to introduce you to new games! As I continue to improve the newsletter, all feedback is gratefully received. Now, let’s see what has happened this week.

What’s That Gam3? [review]

You can join me live as I play new games on Twitch! Alternatively, you’ll find edited versions of my playthroughs on my YouTube channel. [Don’t forget to follow and subscribe].

My Pet Hooligan

“Got karrats? An interactive entertainment experience from AMGI Studios. Free-to-play, early access game out now!..”

  • Stunning aesthetic

  • Interesting variety of maps

  • Good selection of weapons, but some are underwhelming

  • Needs optimisation

  • Empty servers

How to play
  • Free to play

  • Play it on Epic

Game Loop
  • There are 3 different modes to the current game

  • But before you pick a mode, you need to select and dress your rabbit

  • Playing as free play you do not have any cosmetics, so whilst you can pick the rabbit colour, you will be playing in underpants and socks

  • If you own one of the rabbits or cosmetics you can mix and match to match your rabbit look how you want

  • Now that you have the rabbits how you want them, you can select your game mode

  • In all of the game modes, you are playing in the third person or rabbit.

  • The first mode is a hangout mode, where you get to run around the city and bonk Zacbots on the head whilst exploring

  • The next mode is the Anarchy mode

  • This is a free-for-all deathmatch

  • There are several maps for you to play in each with its own theme

  • Each map is also played on several dimensions thanks to your double jump and the launch pads, allowing you to scale the buildings

  • Around the maps, you find a variety of weapons, ranging from swords to toilet plunger sniper rifles

  • You can also collect grenades, explosives, and firebombs to add to the carnage

  • In total, you can carry 3 weapons and a throwable

  • Your health is represented by a carrot, which gets “eaten” as you lose health.

  • The carrot is replenished by finding carrots spread around the map

  • Anarchy mode runs until the time is up or until someone reaches 20 kills

  • The final mode is coinpocolyapse

  • In this mode, you need to collect as many rabbit-shaped coins as possible without getting killed

  • If you do get killed you drop 10 coins

  • Other than that the gameplay was the same as the anarchy mode

  • During all the modes as you get kills, blow things up, or complete a game you earn XP which levels you bunny up.

  • These level-ups unlock additional cosmetic options for you

Game feel
  • I like the aesthetic of the game, having all the weapons comedy violence themed works well, for example, the minigun is an oversized Nerf gun

  • With a lot of the map being destructible, and explosive for the most part, it added to the chaotic feel of the game

  • The fact that you couldn't pick which hotkey was which gun was a bit annoying as I like to arrange my weapons in the same place when playing

  • I did find that the maps probably weren't that well optimized as even after turning down the graphics it had issues in place, and my rig is no slouch

  • The movement with the double jump, skateboard, and launch pads made the maps feel more dynamic

  • The spawns were a little frustrating as you could spawn on top of other players

  • The range of modes was okay, but I didn't particularly find any value in the hang-out mode

  • Collecting the coins was an interesting way to change the focus, however, due to the map sizes at times you could almost completely ignore the players and just find coins around the edges of the map

  • In the vast majority of the games, I wasn't playing against any other humans which was disappointing.

  • It is good to have bots, as it means I could test out the game, but it is difficult to get a true feeling of the game without other humans. I think this would be a quick turn-off for anyone who randomly finds the game on epic

  • I also found it a little frustrating that you could see people’s nameplates from across the other side of the map, meaning you could just hunt people down, which reduced any strategic aspect


  • Love the style of the guns and the overall aesthetic

  • Disappointingly low player base

  • Guns handled well

  • The vertical movement creates a more dynamic map

  • It is a recommend but with a caveat that you’d need to find your own players.

Web3 integration
  • The rabbits are NFTs on eth

For more information follow their Twitter to keep up to date.


“All-in-one multiplayer game: Blitz Royale, Kart Race, Social Deduction, and more to come! Currently in Early Access. Play now on PC & Android.”

  • Unique DNA system

  • Good gunplay

  • Couple of bugs

  • Chaotic final fights

How to play
  • Free to play

  • PC - download on Epic store

  • Or you can download on android

  • I played on PC

Game Loop
  • The game has 3 modes, blitz royale, karting, and deduction, in this review, I only consider blitz royale.

  • Before a battle, you can customize your character in the locker room.

  • As with other games, you can change the appearance of your character, however, in Kompete this changes your player's stats.

  • For example the shorter they are the quicker they are but their damage recoil is reduced.

  • Next, you get trait points to spend

  • These unlock different traits, such as higher jumps and less recoil

  • Finally, you get to select what additional equipment to take with you, I took a trampoline, a set of stairs, a barrier, and a Bush.

  • You can also select the skins for the different weapons.

  • Now that you are all set up you can enter the Blitz Royale.

  • It is a trios game.

  • Starting the same as most games in the genre you are in a helicopter that flies you onto the map.

  • Dropping on your selected point you have a small jet robot to slow your fall

  • Alternatively, you can just plummet to the ground as there is no fall damage

  • Landing with only an axe you need to find your gear

  • This is either just lying on the ground or in loot safes

  • You get 2 primary weapons, an Axe, dynamite, grenades, and capsules

  • These capsules are used with your radio to call in your special equipment, like the barrier

  • As you move around you have a normal jump, which can be boosted with your exo suit to increase your height or change direction in the air

  • All the guns share the same ammo pool

  • Some parts of the environment are destructible, so you can smash windows and climb through

  • Over time the area of the map decreases forcing all players into a smaller area of the map

  • Taking damage you start with a shield and then into your health.

  • If you avoid taking damage long enough your health regens.

  • If your health goes to 0 you are knocked

  • From this position, you slowly bleed out unless your teammate revives you

  • If you die and a teammate is still alive, after a redemption period of 30 seconds you land back in on top of them

  • The victor is the last team standing

  • The game does have a leveling system and battle pass - both of which give rewards as your progress

  • Additionally, you can spend dollars to buy the in-game currency which can be used on skins

Game feel
  • In matchmaking it took 2 minutes to find a game, which isn't too bad, however, it showed a countdown from 8 minutes which made me assume that was the average wait, so maybe that should change as it made the 2 minutes feel longer

  • Even though it was a trios game I was often matched as a solo or duo, which made the game harder

  • You can climb walls like Spiderman, while this looked a little weird, it did add a lot more dimensions to the fights

  • Some of the movement felt a little wonky, but this might have been a skill issue as I did some players moving around very skillfully

  • The overall player base seemed pretty bad at the game as I got a lot of kills, Which doesn't usually happen.

  • I encountered some bugs such as people getting stuck under the map or in window frames.

  • The snipe rifle was also a little underwhelming but most guns felt okay and intuitive for anyone who plays the genre

  • Spawning in equipment did add some extra depth to the gunplay

  • As it is only early access there was only 1 relatively small map, which could get a lot of repetitive

  • For the most part gun fights felt very chaotic rather than strategic

  • Especially as the map got small, with everyone just spraying everywhere


  • Chaotic fun

  • Okay graphics and animations

  • Decent gunplay

  • Additional movement styles

  • I enjoyed Streaming it and I can see people having fun with the game, however, I'm not sure if it has enough yet to replace your normal battle royale

  • Recommend worth a try


Web3 integration
  • The game has NFT cosmetics and a token

For more information follow their Twitter to keep up to date.

GLHFers community content: Shrapnel

GLHFers is my new home for content, aiming to create a gaming-focused community. Join us in the discord: https://discord.gg/glhfers {NFT required for full access}

GLHFers already has some great gamers and creators! Each week I’ll be highlighting some of the key content.

This week, Aiz shared a great help card for the upcoming Shrapnel tournament. If you still need access there is a giveaway happening right now in the GLHFers discord.

What's Your Gam3?

There was no episode this week.

Catch up on all previous episodes on YouTube.

Don’t forget to join us next week!

WYG?: Gam3 Changers

There was no episode this week.

Catch up on all previous episodes on Spotify.

Thanks for making it to the end, that is all the new games for this week. Do you know any you’d want to hear more about? Let me know.

Remember to tell your friends about What’s Your Gam3? Otherwise, they’ll hate you for letting them miss out on all the new games.

Remember to play games you enjoy!