What's Your Gam3? #27

Wonder Wars, TikTok


Welcome to What’s Your Gam3? My aim with everything I do is to introduce you to new games! As I continue to improve the newsletter, all feedback is gratefully received. Now, let’s see what has happened this week.

What’s That Gam3? [review]

You can join me live on Twitch as I play new games! Alternatively, you can find edited versions of my playthroughs on my YouTube channel. [Don’t forget to follow and subscribe].

  • Cute graphics

  • Simple core loop

  • The lack of real players made it feel more like a puzzle game than a PVP game (not always a bad thing)

  • Plenty of meta-progression surrounding the core loop

How to play
  • The game is free to play

  • The game is on mobile; I played the Android version.

Game Loop
  • The core loop is PVP battles.

  • You start with a limited selection of heroes and troops

  • Both sets have health, attack, and specials.

  • The specials include additional damage, healing, or buffs.

  • Your squad consists of one hero and six troops

  • The hero is your “main” character and sits at the back of the board

  • The aim is to reduce the enemy's hero’s HP to zero.

  • Blocking you from doing that are the troops

  • The board consists of three columns

  • Each round, you select a troop and place it onto one of the columns

  • If the opponent has a troop in that column, they will fight; if there isn’t a troop, your troop directly attacks the hero

  • Once all forces are played, the game enters “sudden death,” which speeds up the gameplay through to the finish

  • At the end of the game, the winner receives trophies and a chest

  • These chests take time to open, which can be sped up by watching ads

  • Other meta aspects outside the core loop include a village that you need to upgrade to increase various aspects of the core loop

  • There is also a gatcha machine and a battle pass to keep you aiming for progress

  • The trophies are used to show your ranking on the leaderboard, both locally and globally.

Game feel
  • The lack of human players makes it feel limp. However, the NPCs still beat me, and once I started treating it as more of a puzzle game, I enjoyed it a lot more.

  • The graphics, animations, and sounds are clean and engaging. Although the game's style is similar to other popular mobile games, it has been executed well.

  • The different meta aspects outside the core loop gave me plenty to aim for, and I am looking to upgrade my heroes and troops to help climb higher up the ladder.

  • There was also a deep variety of heroes, all with unique aspects, which encouraged continued play to unlock more of them.

  • It took me some time to get interested in the village aspect, meaning I missed out on some of the benefits it can bring in the arena.

  • Each game only takes a few minutes, making it very handy for a quick game. The ability to watch ads for unlocks isn’t overly offensive, and I watched ads for nearly every chest I unlocked.

  • The game already implements traditional monetization, offering cards and currency. It’ll be interesting to see how any Web3 layer is added.


  • Engaging graphics and animation

  • Easy and quick to play

  • There is plenty of progression to aim for

  • Deep variety of troops and heroes

  • Low real human games

  • Enjoyed it, would recommend playing it.

Web3 integration

  • More information is coming soon.

For more information, follow their Twitter page to stay up to date.

Go to Whats Your Gam3? for more reviews.

What's Your Gam3? on TikTok - GaspodeWD

I have started posting my thoughts on tweets I find interesting directly to TikTok (then also to X).

Hoping that people find my insights useful and highlight things I see happening in the more expansive web3 gaming space.

Some flattering thumbnails…

What’s new with What’s Your Gam3?

The website has had a facelift - make sure to go check it out » https://www.whatsyourgam3.com/

The WYG? Discord is also back. Join for game quest pools, giveaways, bounties, paid surveys, and tournaments. Join » https://discord.gg/qWUBd9bV

Thanks for making it to the end. That is all the new games for this week. Do you know any games you’d like to hear more about? Let me know.

Remember to tell your friends about What’s Your Gam3? Otherwise, they’ll hate you for letting them miss out on all the new games.

Remember to play games you enjoy!